The Delicious Food & the not so Delicious Water

One thing I’m going to miss about Barcelona is the food, specifically the fruits and vegetables here. It’s nice to be in a country where the climate allows different kind of fruits and veggies to be growing all year long. And thanks to Chris (who found it), I have this one place I now go to every single day for the best oranges in the world. Even though one orange will cost me 60 cents euro, it is so beyond worth it. In the summertime in the Northeast, I can get some good fruit and vegetables, but nothing like the selection here in Spain. Every thing I eat here, is always fresh and delicious. It’s also really nice that I only have to take a 2 minute walk to get the best fruits and vegetables I’ve ever had.

One thing that I look forward to about home is the water. Water kind of sucks here. Its supposed to be alright to drink, but I don’t really trust it because it has a funky taste to it. And also, right from the beginning I noticed so many locals buying their water in plastic jugs, that I decided that if locals won’t even drink their own tap water, why the hell would I. So I really look forward to not having to buy water again, and reuniting with some of the best tap water in the world.

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